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Raúl Olivo
Model/actor (telenovellas)
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Raul Olivo is an actor and singer from Venezuela. His first steps in the entertainment industry made him stand out as a model in international runways for worldwide recognized brands such as Hugo Boss, Armani, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Jockey, Polar, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Ford and Vertigo, among others. Later on, he began his acting career and had the opportunity to participate in several television productions such as Angel Rebelde, Si me amas mata a mi marido, Con los hombres no hay manera, Acorralada, Isla Para�so, Todo por Amor and Amor Comprado. Additionally, he has participated in films such as Tocando Fondo and The longest minute of my life. In 2006, he participated in the erotic TV series "Bellas y Ambiciosas" by erotic scenes with Peruvian dancer, actrees and model Karen Dejo. His music and acting studies include renowned academies such as Corazza Estudio, Centro de Estudio Actoral CEA, Lesly Khan, Vocal Power, Curso Intensivo Actoral Alina Rodr�guez and Centro Integral de Formaci�n Actoral Luz Columba - CIFALC. Additionally, he has a bachelor?s degree in Business Administration. [More at Wikipedia]
January 8th, 1976 in Caracas (Age 49)
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