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Chip Jett
Professional Poker Player
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Charles McRae "Chip" Jett is an American professional poker player from Las Vegas, Nevada. He is one of the most popular players on the World Poker Tour. Jett has been known as "Chip" ever since he left the hospital when he was born. The nickname was suggested by a nurse to Jett's parents. His name is considered to be an aptronym. Jett began working as a poker dealer in an Indian casino, but turned into a professional player when he realized he was making more money as a player. Jett finished 2nd to Howard Lederer in the World Poker Tour Million II cruise event in March 2003. Later in the same year he made 2 World Series of Poker final tables, and another WPT final table in the Legends of Poker event won by Mel Judah. His successes in 2003 won him the Phil Hellmuth's Champion of the Year award. Jett also had a 3rd place finish in the 2005 WSOP $5,000 seven-card stud event. He is married to fellow poker professional Karina Jett. In August 2005 they both made the same final table, at the London Open event in Old Billingsgate Market. They had two children together a daughter, Athena and a son, Apollo. 
September 22nd, 1974 in Scottsdale (Age 50)
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