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Knut Nystedt
Composer. Born: 09/03/1915
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Knut Nystedt is a Norwegian orchestral and choral composer. Nystedt was born in Kristiania, Norway, and grew up in a Christian home where hymns and classical music were an important part of everyday life. His major compositions for choir and vocal soloists are mainly based on texts from the Bible or sacred themes. Old church music, especially Palestrina and Gregorian chants, have had a major influence on his compositions. He studied with Aaron Copland among others. Nystedt was organist in Torshov kirke in Oslo from 1946 to 1982 and taught choir conducting at the University of Oslo from 1964 to 1985. Nystedt founded and conducted Det Norske Solistkor from 1950 to 1990. He also founded and conducted Schola Cantorum from 1964 to 1985. The choir Ensemble 96 published �Immortal Nystedt� in 2005. This CD was nominated in two categories in the 2007 Grammy Awards. This was the first Norwegian CD nominated in two categories. It was also the first CD with a Norwegian composer nominated for a Grammy. On the occasion of his 90th birthday in 2005, there were several concerts around the world held in his honour. In 1966, the King of Norway made Nystedt a Knight of the Order of St. 
September 3rd, 1915 in Christiania  /  Died:   Dec 8th, 2014
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New Event: 2010/06/19 - Abbaye De Noirlac - Refectoire, Bruere Allichamps, Franc..
New Event: 2010/02/05 - Cathedrale Ste Croix Des Armeniens, Paris 03, France
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Date: Dec 8th, 2014
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