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Les Chadwick
Member Gerry and the Pacemakers
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Les Chadwick is an English bassist. His bass guitar work can be heard on all of the recordings made by the 1960s pop group, Gerry & the Pacemakers. Chadwick originally did not own a bass guitar and played a standard Fender Stratocaster with the bass setting exaggerated until obtaining a proper bass. He eventually acquired a sunburst Epiphone Rivoli bass which he used for most of his performances with the Pacemakers. This bass can be seen in the film Ferry Cross the Mersey, in which Chadwick has a substantial role as Gerry Marsden's sidekick "Chad". Like many British bassist of the era he used a plectrum and favoured short scale hollow body basses such as the Epiphone and a H�fner Verythin. On 19 October 1961, the Beatles and Gerry & the Pacemakers merged to become the 'Beatmakers', for a one-off performance in Litherland Town Hall. The line-up comprised Gerry Marsden, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Les Maguire, Pete Best, Freddy Marsden, plus vocalist Karl Terry from the Cruisers with Chadwick on bass guitar. When the Pacemakers split up in 1966, he bought a garage with fellow former Pacemaker, Les Maguire. [More at Wikipedia]
May 11th, 1943 in Aigburth  /  Died:   Dec 26th, 2019
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Date: Dec 26th, 2019
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