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Al Clark
Mlb umpire
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General Information
Alan Marshall Clark is a former professional baseball umpire who worked in the American League from 1976 to 1999, and throughout both Major Leagues in 2000 and 2001, wearing uniform number 24 when the American League adopted them for its umpires in 1980, then retained the number when the NL and AL staffs were merged in 2000. Clark umpired 3,392 major league games in his 26 year career. He umpired in two World Series, two All-Star Games, five American League Championship Series, and three American League Division Series. In 2001, Clark was fired by Major League Baseball after downgrading his first class airline tickets to economy class, thus either pocketing funds by selling extra tickets or to gain additional airline tickets for unapproved personal travel. In 2004, he was sentenced to four months in jail and four months on house arrest after a memorabilia scheme resulted in a federal mail fraud conviction. He now is a member at Ford's Colony Country Club in Williamsburg, VA, and currently lives in that development. 
January 9th, 1948 in Trenton (Age 77)
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New Response (Success): Mr. Clark signed the postcard that I sent.
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