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David Berkowitz
Serial Killer, Son of Sam
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General Information
David Richard Berkowitz, also known as the Son of Sam and the .44 Caliber Killer, is an American serial killer convicted of a series of shooting attacks that began in the summer of 1976. With a .44 caliber Bulldog revolver, he killed six victims and wounded seven others by July 1977. As the toll mounted, Berkowitz eluded a massive police manhunt while leaving brazen letters which promised further murders. Highly publicized in the press, he terrorized New York City and achieved worldwide notoriety. After his arrest by New York City police in August 1977, Berkowitz was indicted for eight shooting incidents. He confessed to all of them and claimed a demon that possessed his neighbor's dog had commanded him to kill. In the course of the police investigation, he was also implicated in many unsolved arsons in the city. Intense coverage of the case by the media lent a kind of celebrity status to Berkowitz, and observers noted indignantly that he appeared to enjoy it. In response, the New York State legislature enacted new legal statutes, known popularly as "Son of Sam laws", designed to keep criminals from profiting financially from the publicity surrounding their crimes. 
Other Names
  • Son of Sam
  • .44 Caliber Killer
June 1st, 1953 in New York City (Age 71)
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New Response (Success): Sent letter. Received thoughtful reply.
New Response (Success): Sent Christmas card and letter signed typed letter..
New Response (Success): I sent a letter and SASE, Today I got a very nice ..
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