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Lyndal Davies
Host of Lyndal's Lifelines on Animal Planet
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General Information
Lyndal Davies is a journalist graduate of Queensland University of Technology. From 1991 she has been making cinema and video of wildlife inspired by Jane Goodall and F�lix Rodr�guez de la Fuente. Lyndal Davies is a wildlife presenter for Animal Planet. Lyndal Davies hosts Animal Planet?s Lyndal?s Lifeline where she travels to remote, countries to help wildlife sanctuaries that are in trouble and to bring an awareness about the animals that are rare in species. Lyndal?s love of nature began in Queensland, Australia, where she grew up. She spent her childhood rescuing animals and then went to journalism school in Queensland at Queensland University of Technology and spent the next ten years making wildlife documentaries. Most of the time her crew was usually only one cameraman and Lyndal would host, produce, and edit the documentaries herself. The money from each project went into the next project. Nowadays she is also an Australian zoologist, documentarian and television presenter. She takes part in the series of documentaries called Lyndal's Lifeline. 
January 1st, 1967 in Brisbane (Age 58)
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