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David Doremus
Actor: The Waltons, Nanny and the Professor
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David Alan Doremus is a California businessman who as a child actor appeared as Hal Everett on Nanny and the Professor and as George "G.W." Haines for five years on The Waltons. According to the story line for Nanny and the Professor, Doremus is the oldest of three children of widowed college professor Harold Everett, who hired Phoebe Figalilly as housekeeper and nanny. The character Hal is scientific-oriented and good at mechanical matters. Doremus also provided the voice of Hal Everett on a brief cartoon version of Nanny and the Professor, which aired on ABC as the "Saturday Superstar Movie" in limited showings in 1972 and 1973. In 1972, Doremus, at the age of fourteen, was cast as a boyfriend of Mary Ellen Walton in the series The Waltons. Doremus appeared through November 10, 1977. In the episode "The First Casualty", his character died in a training accident in the early phase of World War II. Doremus appeared on NBC's Bonanza in 1972. His last role was in 1981 as Chuck in the film Rivals on the USA network. This film was also known as The Stranger at Jefferson High. David Doremus is the son of Robert Alan Doremus and Judy Doremus. 
December 23rd, 1957 in Glendale (Age 67)
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