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Famous Brazilian Soccer Player
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Jair Ventura Filho, better known as Jairzinho, is a former association footballer. A quick, powerful winger, he was a member of the legendary Brazilian national team that won the 1970 FIFA World Cup, during which he scored in every game Brazil played. In doing so, he became one of only two players ? the other being Alcides Ghiggia ? in the history of the World Cup to have scored in every game of the tournament and was thereafter nicknamed as "The Hurricane". He was listed at number 27 in World Soccer Magazine's list of the 100 greatest players of the 20th century, one place ahead of Zinedine Zidane. Due to the economic and political situation of the time, as well as the Sport Legislation, he played most of his club football in South America where he spent eleven years at Rio de Janeiro club Botafogo. He went on to play in Europe during the final years of his career, a common pattern for South American players until the 1980s, when the economic and political situation changed. Jairzinho replaced his footballing idol Garrincha in both the Botafogo and Brazil teams, and played in three consecutive World Cups: 1966, 1970 and 1974. 
December 25th, 1944 in Duque de Caxias (Age 80)
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