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Billy Joe Hobert
Ex Raider and Saints QB.
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General Information
Billy Joe Hobert is a former professional American football quarterback. While at the University of Washington, he led the Huskies to a national championship in 1991, during his redshirt sophomore season. He was elevated to the starting position after junior Mark Brunell suffered a serious knee injury during spring drills, causing him to miss much of the 1991 season. After the success of the 1991 season, Hobert became implicated in a major NCAA scandal when it was revealed he had received a series of loans totaling $50,000 made by the father-in-law of a friend while Hobert himself had no assets and no specific payment schedule. This would cost Hobert his college eligibility, and was a mitigating factor in the University receiving NCAA sanctions for lack of institutional control, in turn leading to head coach Don James resigning in protest. Although several other Huskies players were implicated in improprieties, Hobert became the most well-known face of the sanctions, leading to him receiving death threats. 1991 Season: 173/285 for 2,271 yards with 22 TDs, 10 INTs, 56 yards rushing and 5 TDs. 
January 8th, 1971 in (Age 54)
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