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Marilyn Galsworthy
Actress in 007 The Spy Who Loved Me
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Marilyn Galsworthy is a British actress, who acted for 15 years in the Royal Shakespeare Company, appearing opposite Patrick Stewart and Alfred Molina. She is also known for a number of television and movie roles including a small one in the James Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me as the secretary/assistant to the villain Karl Stromberg. In the film, Stromberg requests her to leave the dining room where he shuts off the elevator which has a hidden trap door where a section of the elevator shaft extends into his aquarium containing a captive shark to which she is fed. Galsworthy has no lines in the film, although she was considered another version of Helga Brandt for the film. On television, Galsworthy appeared in the first seven episodes of sitcom Backs to the Land. She also made a guest appearance in the tenth series of Celebrity Big Brother 10. She also made a Guest Star appearance in The Professionals as Anna a high class call girl who helps Bodie and Doyle setup Rahad [Played by Guest Actor Keith Washington] 
January 1st, 1954 in (Age 71)
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