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Ernest Pusey
WW1 Veteran/Oldest pensioner - Deceased 2006
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General Information
Ernest Charles Pusey was, at age 111, Florida's oldest living person, General Motors's oldest pensioner, and was thought to be Florida's last surviving veteran of World War I, until Harry Richard Landis was discovered a month later. He joined the United States Navy, and then fought aboard the battleship Wyoming during World War I. Pusey had outlived a son and two wives. He had four grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. He enjoyed eating out at restaurants. Pusey started at GM in 1926 after serving as a sailor. He retired in 1958. He was GM's oldest pensioner, having received a pension for far longer than he actually worked. On November 10, 2006 Pusey had been awarded a belated World War I Victory Medal by Florida governor Jeb Bush. That very same day Maurice Floquet died and Pusey very briefly became the third-oldest verified man in the world, but only 9 days later he died as well, aged 111 years 198 days. 
May 5th, 1895 in   /  Died:   Nov 19th, 2006 - at the age of 111, natural causes
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New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Prob.Auth)
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Prob.Auth)
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Date: Nov 19th, 2006 - at the age of 111, natural causes
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