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John Cook (2)
Mayor of El Paso, Texas (2005-present)
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General Information
John F. Cook is an American teacher, businessman, veteran, civic leader, and member of the Paso Del Norte Group. Cook was Mayor of El Paso, Texas since defeating incumbent Joe Wardy in June 2005, and was reelected in 2009 to a second four-year term. Due to the City Charter's term limits clause Cook was not be eligible for a third term in 2013. Cook graduated from New York City's Immaculata High School in 1964. He attended the University of Texas at El Paso and earned a degree in business in 1977. In 1970, Cook married his wife Tram Cook, with whom he has six children, nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Mayor Cook has lived for most of his life in Northeast El Paso, where his family has owned and operated several businesses. He served in the United States Army from 1967 to 1970, seeing service as a special agent in military intelligence. He served as the City Council Representative of the 4th District of El Paso from 1999 to June 2005 prior to being elected Mayor. He has been deeply involved in El Paso's community affairs, as a businessman, a teacher, coach, founder and member of the board of many civic and veterans' organizations. 
February 27th, 1946 in Brooklyn (Age 79)
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New Address: Available to members only
New Response (Unknown/Other): Received email back saying that the mayor do..
The Claim to Fame has changed
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