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Gary Tharaldson
Entrepreneur and founder of the Tharaldson Companies.
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General Information
Gary Tharaldson is an American entrepreneur and founder of the Tharaldson Companies. Gary Tharaldson was born in and grew up in Dazey, North Dakota. He graduated from Valley City State University with degrees in Business Administration and Physical Education. He did graduate work at North Dakota State University in Fargo and taught school in Leonard, North Dakota for two years. Tharaldson Hospitality builds and operates hotels across the United States. Tharaldson Companies was established in 1982 by Gary Tharaldson, with the purchase of a Super 8 Motel in Valley City, North Dakota. Gary Tharaldson is listed among the 1998 Forbes 400 Richest Americans, and his organization, since its establishment, has grown to be one of America's largest developers of new hotels. In March 2006, the Tharaldson Family sold 130 hotels to the Whitehall Real Estate Fund for $1.2 billion in cash. The proceeds from the transaction have mostly been invested in key land properties around the nation. The assets are being managed by Diversified Asset Management based in Las Vegas, Nevada. [More at Wikipedia]
January 1st, 1945 in Dazey (Age 80)
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