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Bill Greason
Basebal - Negro League Star, WWII Veteran
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General Information
William Henry Greason is an American former professional baseball player who later became a Baptist minister. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Greason served in the United States Marine Corps during World War II in the 66th Supply Platoon, an all-black unit, in the Pacific Theater of Operations and took part in the Battle of Iwo Jima. Greason was a 5 ft 10 in, 170 lb right-handed pitcher. After the war he played professional baseball in the Negro Leagues for the Nashville Black Vols, Asheville Blues and Birmingham Black Barons, where he was a teammate of Willie Mays. In 1952, he joined minor league baseball as a member of the Oklahoma City Indians of the Double-A Texas League, where he won nine of his ten decisions and posted a sparkling 2.14 earned run average. Another successful year at Oklahoma City in 1953 led to his acquisition by the St. Louis Cardinals of Major League Baseball, where he would become the team's second African-American player, after Tom Alston. He appeared in three games played for the 1954 Cardinals, two as a starting pitcher. 
September 3rd, 1924 in Atlanta (Age 100)
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New Response (Success): Signed 1/1 TC, $10 cash
New Response (Success): signed 4/4 4x6 Photos
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