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Jeff Danziger
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Jeff Danziger is a syndicated political cartoonist and author. Danziger served in the United States Army from 1967 until 1971. An intelligence officer and linguist during the Vietnam War, he was awarded the Bronze Star and Air Medal in 1970. In 1971 he began teaching English at Union 32 High School in East Montpelier, Vermont where he taught specialized classes in journalism and expository writing at an advanced level, and worked for the Christian Science Monitor between 1987 and 1997. As of 2009, he has been published by the Los Angeles Times syndicate. He now lives in New York City. Danziger was listed on Bernard Goldberg's list of "100 People Who Are Screwing Up America." Danziger described the listing as "an honor." In an interview with The Comics Journal, Danziger said, "Keep in mind that I agree with a great many things that the Republicans have been traditionally for. I am in favor of a solid economy. I am in favor of a strong dollar. I am in favor of looking after troops. I am in favor of maintaining a strong army, and I am in favor of the ability to go into business and make a profit and not pay taxes for silly purposes." 
January 1st, 1943 in New York City (Age 82)
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