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Heidi Cortez
Playboy Model
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Heidi Cortez is an American entrepreneur. In November 2005, Cortez was hired by Howard Stern to be the radio host and co-writer on his Sirius XM satellite channel. On the show, Cortez would read comical, saucy bedtime stories to the listeners at the end of the day. As of August 2006, the show was canceled. She released her first book Heidi?s Bedtime Stories on November 7, 2006, through Simon & Schuster. The book immediately made the Barnes & Noble's Best Sellers List. In June 2007, the book was published again in paperback. Her acting and modeling career took off internationally in print, including Maxim Magazine, and several TV commercials, and music videos. In 2007?2008 Cortez was cast and appeared on the hit American reality television show Sunset Tan on the E! Network for two seasons. Cortez owns Cabana Tans in Reno, which is one of the largest tanning salons in northern Nevada. She currently resides in Los Angeles. Heidi has created and manages the website She also involves herself in many charities such as Social Vibe and Direct Relief International. 
March 11th, 1981 in San Bernardino (Age 44)
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