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Rick Bladt
1974 rookie outfielder for the Yankees
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General Information
Richard Alan Bladt was a right-handed outfielder in Major League Baseball for the Chicago Cubs and New York Yankees. Bladt was signed by the Cubs in 1966 as an undrafted amateur free agent. He worked his way through the Cubs' minor league system and made his debut with the big league club on June 15, 1969 in the first game of a doubleheader against the Cincinnati Reds, pinch-running for Hall of Famer Billy Williams. He started the second game of the doubleheader, and after lining into a double play in his first at-bat, he singled in a run off Gerry Arrigo for his first major league hit. Williams then replaced Bladt as a pinch-hitter in the sixth inning. Bladt would appear in eight more games in June before being sent back to the minors. Bladt was the player to be named later that completed a trade between the Cubs and Yankees in January 1970. The Cubs sent minor leaguer Terry Bongiovanni and cash, along with a player to be named later, in exchange for Jimmie Hall on September 11, 1969. The transfer of Bladt completed the deal. Bladt languished in the New York minor league system until resurfacing in the majors in 1975. 
December 9th, 1946 in Santa Cruz (Age 78)
Last Changes
New Response (Success): Sent blank Yankees card signed in black pen
New Response (Success): signed two cards
New Response (OLD!) (Success): 2 signed ic's.
Sport Teams
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