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Kirstie Marshall
Australian aerial skier and Victorian state politician
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General Information
Kirstie Claire Marshall, OAM is an Australian aerial skier and Victorian state politician. Marshall was an ex-gymnast who became an aerial skier at Mount Buller, Victoria. During her skiing career Marshall won over 40 World Cup medals, including 17 World Cup gold medals. Marshall competed in aerial skiing as a demonstration sport at the 1992 Albertville Winter Olympics, and as a medal event at the 1994 Lillehammer and 1998 Nagano games, where she came sixth and fourteenth, respectively. In December 2002, aged 33, Marshall was elected as a Member of Parliament in the Victorian Legislative Assembly for the Australian Labor Party. On 26 February 2003, she was ejected from the Lower House chamber for breastfeeding her 11-day-old baby, Charlotte Louise. A section of the Parliamentary rules, namely Standing Order 30, states: "Unless by order of the House, no Member of this House shall presume to bring any stranger into any part of the House appropriated to the Members of this House while the House, or a Committee of the whole House, is sitting." As there is no age limit to ?strangers in the House?, only MPs and certain parliamentary staff are allowed in the House during sitting times. 
April 21st, 1969 in (Age 55)
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