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Mitsuyo Nemoto
Half of 1970s pop group pink lady
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General Information
Mitsuyo Nemoto is a pop and heavy metal singer and actress, better known by her stage name Mie. She was a member of the popular 1970s idol group Pink Lady, known in the United States for their self-titled TV program. Nemoto has pursued a solo career following Pink Lady's 1981 breakup. Her highest grossing solo single was a cover of Moving Pictures' Never in 1984, which was the theme song for the Japanese drama series Furyou Shojo Toyobarete, and sold over 270,000 copies. Occasionally she participates in Pink Lady reunions in which she sings with her partner Keiko "Kei" Masuda. She also performs with heavy metal novelty band Animetal, who refer to themselves as "Animetal Lady" when she accompanies them, in reference to Pink Lady. 
March 9th, 1958 in Shizuoka Prefecture (Age 67)
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