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Sammy Nelson
Irish Former Professional Footballer
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Samuel "Sammy" Nelson is a Northern Ireland former footballer, who joined Arsenal on his 17th birthday in 1966. Originally a left-winger, Nelson was later moved back into defence to become a left back. He was a regular in Arsenal's reserve side for several seasons, before making his first-team debut against Ipswich Town on 25 October 1969. He was understudy to the Gunners' established left back, Bob McNab, and it wasn't until McNab was injured in the 1971?72 season did Nelson become a regular. Even then, whenever McNab returned from injury, Nelson was forced to step down to being reserve. He only played four league matches during Arsenal's 1970-71 Double-winning campaign, which was not sufficient to win a medal. In the meantime, Nelson had made his debut for Northern Ireland, as a sub against England on 21 April 1970. Nelson went on to win 51 international caps, including two of Northern Ireland's matches in the 1982 FIFA World Cup. McNab left Arsenal in the summer of 1975, and Nelson finally became Arsenal's first-choice left back. 
April 1st, 1949 in Belfast (Age 75)
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