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Luke Guthrie
American professional golfer
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General Information
Luke Guthrie is an American professional golfer. Born in Quincy, Illinois, Guthrie played college golf at the University of Illinois where he won seven tournaments including two Big Ten Conference Championships. Guthrie turned professional after the college season and began playing on the Tour in 2012, while still taking college courses at Illinois. He had four top-10 finishes in his first five starts and then won the Albertsons Boise Open in his sixth start. Guthrie would follow that first victory up with his second victory in as many weeks when he won the WNB Golf Classic. He also played three events on the PGA Tour in 2012 and finished in the top twenty in each; his best finish was a tie for fifth at the John Deere Classic. 
January 31st, 1990 in (Age 35)
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