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Jim Duffalo
Pitcher w/ Giants, Reds during 1960's
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General Information
James Francis Duffalo is an American former professional baseball player. A right-handed relief pitcher, Duffalo played all or part of five seasons in Major League Baseball, and 18 years in organized baseball as a whole. He was a member of the 1962 National League champion San Francisco Giants, but did not appear in the 1962 World Series. Listed at 6 feet 1 inch and 175 pounds, Duffalo entered the professional ranks as a member of the Pittsburgh Pirates' farm system in 1955, winning 17 games as a rookie in the Class D Georgia-Florida League in 1955, then another 16 games in the Class B Carolina League the following season. But the Pirates sent him to the Giants during the 1958 season. Duffalo made his Major League debut on April 12, 1961 for the Giants in a 2-1 win over the Pirates at Candlestick Park. He entered the game with two on and two outs in the ninth inning against Roberto Clemente, who grounded out to end the game, and Duffalo was credited with a save.His best years were in 1963 and 1964; in 1963 he pitched 34 games with a 4-2 record and a 2.87 earned run average, followed in 1964 with 35 games and a 5-1 record with a 2.92 ERA. 
November 25th, 1935 in Helvetia (Age 89)
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New Response (Success): Signed both cards I sent.
New Response (Success): 2 signed ic's.
New Response (Success): Signed card in blue marker.
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