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Patricia Acampora
New York Assemblywoman, 1st District (1993-2005)
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Patricia L. Acampora was appointed as a Commissioner of the New York Public Service Commission on June 16, 2005, by Gov. George Pataki, for a term ending February 1, 2009. In December 2006, Pataki named Acampora to Chair the PSC, a position she held until January 2008, when Gov. Eliot Spitzer appointed Garry A. Brown as Chairman. On February 9, 2009, Governor David A. Paterson announced the reappointment Acampora as a Commissioner of the PSC, pending confirmation by the New York State Senate. Her new term expires on February 1, 2015, and her salary as a Commissioner will be $109,800. Acampora had previously served in the New York State Assembly for 12 years, representing the 1st Assembly District on Long Island. As an Assemblywoman, she was a Ranking Member of the Labor Committee; a member of the Consumer Affairs and Protection Committee; the Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions Committee; Banking Committee; and the Governmental Employees Committee. From 1990 to 1993, Acampora worked as an assistant to the Suffolk County Executive. From 1989 to 1993, she also worked as an assistant to former State Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki. 
December 10th, 1945 in Waukegan (Age 79)
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