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German Hip-Hop
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Pyranja is a female German rapper. Pyranja started rapping at the age of 16. Early supporters and precursors were the rap crews DSC and the Underdog Cru. After a yearlong stay in Boston she went back to Germany, more precisely to Berlin. She socialized in the scene very quickly and many contributions for other artists followed. The label Def Jam Germany showed great interest in the upcoming rap artist and so she released her first EP, called "Im Kreis ", in 2001. She even entered the German charts without any promotion. When the production of her album Wurzeln & Fl�gel was already finished and the date of release was set, Def Jam broke up because of the difficult market situation. Later Wurzeln & Fl�gel was released by another label called Dackel Enterprise. The sales figures of this record also surpassed all expectations and steadied her good reputation as "best female German rapper". In 2004 Pyranja and her colleagues Joe Rilla, Dra-Q, Jamie White and Sera Finale founded the rap crew Ostblokk. Since they had known each other for a long time and had already used the same studios, the collaboration was a logical conclusion. [More at Wikipedia]
1978 in Rostock
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