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Bjarke Ingels
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Bjarke Ingels is a Danish architect. He heads the architectural practice Bjarke Ingels Group which he founded in 2006. In 2009 he co-founded the design consultancy KiBiSi. Known for his innovative and ambitious designs and projects, many of his buildings defy traditional architectural conventions and dimensions, and are often highly photogenic, ranging from representations of mountains to snowflakes. He often incorporates sustainable development ideas and sociological concepts into his designs, but often tries to achieve a balance between the playful and practical approaches to architecture. Amongst his works are Islands Brygge Harbour Bath, a series of five open-air swimming pools in Copenhagen Harbour and three major housing projects in �restad on the southern outskirts of Copenhagen: VM Houses, multi-family housing in V and M shaped apartment buildings; Mountain Dwellings, an extensive parking facility combined with terraced housing; and 8 House, a large mixed-use housing development. Since 2009, Ingels has won numerous architectural competitions and has grown in international scope and acclaim. 
October 2nd, 1974 in Copenhagen (Age 50)
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