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Steven Shainberg
Writer & Director
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Steven Shainberg is an American film director and producer. He is the nephew of author Lawrence Shainberg. Both are part of the Shainberg family of Memphis, Tennessee, founder of the Shainberg's chain of stores, which is now part of Dollar General. Shainberg received his BA from Yale University in English Literature and East Asian studies. After graduation, he worked as a location manager, assistant director, production coordinator, and assistant editor on a number of films, commercials, and rock videos. He also worked as an independent producer developing adaptations of Joseph Conrad?s The Secret Agent and Henry James? The Americans. At the American Film Institute, he directed and wrote four short films including The Prom starring Jennifer Jason Leigh, Andras Jones and J. T. Walsh. The Prom won the Grand Prize at the Houston International Film Festival, the Critics? Award at the Breckenridge Film Festival, and the Silver Medal for Drama at the New York Film Festival. In 1998, his short film series "Mr. Viril" ran for almost six months on MTV, in addition to his video for Debbie Harry?s "Strike Me Pink". The former starred a young Angelina Jolie. [More at Wikipedia]
February 5th, 1963 in United States of America (Age 62)
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