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Hugh Davidson
Animation writer
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General Information
Hugh Hanson Davidson was a Canadian composer, music critic, radio producer, writer, and arts administrator. His compositional output includes works for piano, ballets, chamber music, vocal art songs, choral works, and incidental music for the theatre. Davidson graduated from The Royal Conservatory of Music where he studied from 1945?1948. His teachers there included George Crum in piano and Godfrey Ridout in music composition. In 1951, he went to England to pursue further studies in composition with Bernard Stevens and Humphrey Searle. After four years, he returned to Canada where he worked as a composer and studied orchestration with Neil Chotem in Montreal. From 1956 to 1961 Davidson was a radio producer for CBC Montreal's English network, moving to their French network in 1962 where he worked for three years as a supervisor of music. He was then appointed assistant program director at CBC Montreal in 1965, a position he held for four years. In 1966 he helped found the Soci�t� de musique contemporaine du Qu�bec. In 1967 he worked for the Canadian Pavilion at Expo 67 as their music consultant. 
May 27th, 1930 in (Age 94)
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