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Renate Hoy
Former 1950's actress; Miss Germany 1952
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Renate Hoy, also credited as Renate Huy and Erika Nordin, was an actress. After winning the title of Miss N�rnberg, she was crowned Miss Germany of 1952. She then traveled to the United States to represent her country in the first Miss Universe contest, which was held in Long Beach, California where she placed fifth that is fourth runner up. Shortly thereafter, she became a contract player for Universal Studios and made several movies during the 1950s. She was in such films as Abbott and Costello Go to Mars, Missile to the Moon, The Golden Blade, The Birds and the Bees, The Sea Chase, A Certain Smile, and had a leading role in the classic German film Schlo� Hubertus. In 1954, she married actor Brett Halsey. They had two children, son Charles Oliver Hand and daughter Tracy Leigh. They divorced in 1959. Hoy's son was murdered in prison. Following a contentious actor's strike, Renate retired from acting. She eventually got re-married to a prominent trial attorney Raymond C. Simpson. The couple had one child Richard James Simpson. This child was later known as 'Richard James' while he was in the bands Invisiblechains with Carla Bozulich singer; and Teardrain with bassist Jill Emery. 
December 31st, 1930 in Ludwigshafen  /  Died:   Jul 1st, 2024
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New Response (OLD!) (Success): sent mini poster of Missile To The Moon already si..
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Date: Jul 1st, 2024
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