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Prince Michael Of Kent
Prince of the United Kingdom
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Prince Edward, Duke of Kent KG GCMG GCVO ADC, is a grandchild of King George V and Queen Mary. He has held the title of Duke of Kent since 1942. The Duke of Kent carries out royal duties on behalf of his first cousin, Queen Elizabeth II. He is perhaps best known as President of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, presenting the trophies to the Wimbledon champion and runner-up. He also served as the United Kingdom's Special Representative for International Trade and Investment, retiring in 2001. He is also the President of the Scout Association, the President of the Royal United Services Institute, the President of the Royal Institution of Great Britain and the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England. At the time of his birth, Prince Edward was 7th in the line of succession to his grandfather, behind his three uncles, his cousins Elizabeth and Margaret, and his father. As of the birth of Zara Phillips' first child, the Queen's fourth great-grandchild, on 17 January 2014, Prince Edward is 33rd in line. As of the death of the 7th Earl of Harewood in 2011, he is the Queen's eldest living paternal cousin, though he is 9 years younger than the Queen herself. 
October 9th, 1935 in Belgrave Square (Age 89) as Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick
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