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Marcus Anderson (2)
Military air force general
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Mark Anderson is an American journalist and author. He has written for Harper's, The Boston Globe, Wired, Science, and the Rolling Stone, and is also a regular contributor to New Scientist and Wired News. Anderson has a Master of Science degree in astrophysics. Anderson's first book, "Shakespeare" by Another Name, promulgates the Oxfordian theory that the Elizabethan court poet-playwright Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford wrote the works conventionally attributed to William Shakespeare. The book is the first Oxfordian literary biography ? connecting de Vere's life and times to Shakespeare's plays and poems. Anderson's second book, The Day the World Discovered the Sun, covers the historical adventures involved in, and the build-up surrounding, the 1761 and 1769 transits of Venus. The book details, in addition to the myriad far-flung voyages to record the transits, the critical leaps in progress made in oceanic navigation, and in astronomical calculations such as the precise distance from the earth to the sun, during this fruitful period. 
August 13th, 1967 in (Age 57)
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New Event: 2025/05/17 - Mableton, GA, US
New Event: 2025/04/24 - Panama City Beach, FL, US
New Event: 2024/06/28 - Durham, NC, US
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