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Joaquin Guzman Loera
Mexican drug lord
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General Information
Joaqu�n Archivaldo Guzm�n Loera is a former Mexican drug lord who headed the Sinaloa Cartel, a criminal organization named after the Mexican Pacific coast state of Sinaloa where it was formed. Known as "El Chapo Guzm�n" for his 1.68 m stature, he became Mexico's top drug kingpin in 2003 after the arrest of his rival Osiel C�rdenas of the Gulf Cartel, and until his February 2014 arrest, he was considered the "most powerful drug trafficker in the world" by the United States Department of the Treasury. Guzm�n has been ranked by Forbes magazine as one of the most powerful people in the world every year since 2009, ranking 41st, 60th and 55th respectively. He was named as the 10th richest man in Mexico in 2011, with a net worth of roughly US$1 billion. The magazine also calls him the "biggest drug lord of all time", and the DEA believes he has surpassed the influence and reach of Pablo Escobar, and now considers him "the godfather of the drug world." In 2013, the Chicago Crime Commission named Guzm�n "Public Enemy Number One" due to the influence of his criminal network in Chicago, though there is no evidence that Guzm�n has ever been in that city. 
Other Names
  • El Chapo Guzman
  • El Chapo
  • Chapo Guzman
  • Chapo
April 4th, 1957 in Monte (Age 67)
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