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Bob Quick
Pro Basketball player
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General Information
Robert L. "Bob" Quick is a retired American National Basketball Association and American Basketball Association player. Born in Thornton, Mississippi, Quick grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio and attended Hughes Center High School. In 2006, the Cincinnati Enquirer ranked Quick #49 in its Top 100 all-time Greater Cincinnati high school players. Quick played college basketball at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. The 6-foot-6 forward was Xavier's MVP for all three of his varsity seasons with the Musketeers. He scored 1,636 career points and had 939 career rebounds. Quick was consistent throughout his college career, averaging 20.0 points per game as a sophomore, 19.3 as a junior, and 23.7 as a senior. He also led the team in rebounding twice, averaging 11.6 per game as a sophomore and 14.0 as a senior. He had his best season as a senior, averaging team highs of 23.7 points and 14.0 rebounds. He made a school record 22 free throws of a school record 24 attempts en route to a career high 40 points against Marquette University on February 26, 1968. That was one of seven 30-point games his senior season. He was named Honorable Mention All-America by the Associated Press. 
March 5th, 1946 in Thornton, Mississippi (Age 79)
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New Response (Success): Signed both pictures I sent.
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
New Response (Success): Signed 2 of 3 photos. Kept photo and card I sent. ..
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