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Shoshana Johnson
Iraq War POW
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General Information
Shoshana Nyree Johnson is a Panamanian-born former United States soldier, and the first African-American female prisoner of war in the military history of the United States. Johnson was a Specialist of the U.S. Army 507th Maintenance Company, 5/52 ADA BN, 11th ADA Brigade. During a gun fight that led to her capture she suffered bullet wounds to both of her ankles. She was freed in a rescue mission conducted by United States Marine Corps units on April 13, 2003. She was held prisoner in Iraq for 22 days along with five other members of her unit including: SPC Edgar Hernandez SPC Joseph Hudson PFC Patrick Miller SGT James Riley - 31-year-old from Pennsauken, N.J. As the senior soldier present, he ordered the surrender. PFC Jessica Lynch - Part of same 507 unit but held in a different location 
January 18th, 1973 in Panama (Age 52)
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New Response (Success): sent a trading card ... card signed and returned
New Response (Success): Sent letter, photo and SASE
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
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