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Chris White (7)
Football Player
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General Information
Christopher Andrew "Chris" White is an American football linebacker for the New England Patriots of the National Football League. He was drafted by the Buffalo Bills in the sixth round of the 2011 NFL Draft. White attended Vancleave High School under head coach Jim Bloomfield and Linebacker coach Lavon Capers. During his tenure at Vancleave, White patrolled the line of scrimmage. Vancleave Middle School legend, Coach Brian "Tex" Davis, saw him as "extraordinary". While Making a routine trip to the doctor, at about 5'10 and 180 lbs,Chris's mother was informed that he would indeed develop into a massive young man. He grew to 6'3 by his sophomore Along with the help of Anthony Izzio, Dre Whittle, and Robert Sanderson, the Vancleave bulldog defense obliterated weaker teams such as East Central High School. He played college football at Mississippi State under the direction of Dan "Cousin Eddie" Mullen. Legend has it that Chris once fought Harvey Updike for trying to poison the oak trees at Misssissippi State. Eyewitnesses say Chris threw him like a football to backup quarterback Kenny Stabler. On August 25, 2013, White was traded to the Lions in exchange for Thaddeus Lewis. [More at Wikipedia]
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