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Arne Scheie
Norwegian tv sports commentator
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Arne Scheie is a sports commentator, with football and ski jumping as his specialities. He started working in the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation in 1972, and started commenting the Four Hills Tournament in 1973. Over the years, he has been involved with eight Winter Olympics, attended over 30 Four Hills Tournaments and has commentated on well over 100 matches for the Norwegian national football team. Scheie has also commentated on cross-country skiing, biathlon, swimming and bandy for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. Arne Scheie is a part of the cultural landscape for many Norwegians, who have grown up with his commentary. Among others, he is known for his spontaneous outbursts to his colleague Jon Herwig Carlsen such as when Tommy Ingebrigtsen won world championship gold in ski jumping in Thunder Bay in 1995: "Can I kiss you, Jon?" Carlsen replied "Yes! Of course!" Another famous moment came during the FIFA World Cup 1998 when Norway beat Brazil 2-1 after a penalty from Kjetil Rekdal. Scheie was so excited by the goal that he credited it to "Kjetil Reknett, of Molde and Werder Bremen". Rekdal has never played for Werder Bremen. 
January 7th, 1944 in Skedsmo (Age 81)
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