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Jonas Rivera
Voice of Boost in 'Cars'
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Jonas Rivera is an American producer. He produced the Pixar film Up and is an alumnus of San Francisco State University who has worked with Pixar Animation Studios since 1994. Rivera was born and raised in Castro Valley, California. As a boy, he wanted to become an animator, but according to him, he could not draw: "I was a terrible artist, and I still am." Rivera graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in Film Production. In 1994, in the last year of making Toy Story, he joined Pixar as the first production intern: "I saw Luxo Jr. in a class and liked it so much I cold-called Pixar." Since then he worked on almost every Pixar film, at first as a coordinator and manager. In 2009, as the producer of Up, he received a nomination for Academy Award for Best Picture. In 2011, it was announced that Rivera is producing Pete Docter's Inside Out, set to be released in 2015. Rivera is married and has two daughters, Eva and Elsa. 
January 1st, 2000 in Castro Valley (Age 25)
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