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Jenny Jensen
Singer in Norwegian country band Septimus
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Jane Jensen studied art, dance, music and theatre at Columbia College Chicago. She began performing in avant-garde productions at the Organic Theatre Company, Pavo Arts Center and various performance art venues and nightclubs. Jane co-produced three episodes of ?Artists Uncensored Television? with Eden H. Roemer that featured her own work as well as other Chicago area artists including Jim Marcus, Jon Schnepp, and Erika W. Brown. Jensen was a dormitory room neighbor to comic book artist Alex Ross, and was a photographic model for some of his characters. From 1991-1995, Jensen recorded under the names Eve, LadyVox, X-Venus and then as Oxygiene 23 with Die Warzau producing. In 1992, Jensen moved to New York to join the Isadora Duncan Dance Group at the American Academy of the Arts in Tribeca. In 1995, Jensen starred as Juliet in Troma Entertainment?s Tromeo & Juliet, written and directed by James Gunn and Lloyd Kaufman. In 1997, Jensen released an electronic rock CD titled Comic Book Whore, that featured her caricature art and was released by Flip/Interscope Records. She toured the US and Australia as a musician and caricature artist. 
December 9th, 1970 in Indianapolis (Age 54)
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New Event: 2010/05/22 08:20 PM - Haven Brasserie, Grimstad, Norway
New Response (OLD!) (Success): recieved a signed computer print out! Very happy ..
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