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Henry Honiball
Rugby Player
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Henry William Honiball is a former South African rugby union footballer. He played at fly-half for South Africa during the post-apartheid era, although he was physically and technically acquainted in any back position. Honiball was a rare-breed of fly-half, who had a very expansive running game which brought the loose-forwards into the game quickly. He was also very tall for a fly-half and extremely physical, being a strong tackler and not afraid to take the ball and challenge the opposition. He earned his nickname of 'Lem', which is Afrikaans for 'blade', for his ability to 'cut' through his opponent's defence. Honiball was part of Nick Mallett's legendary Springbok squad that equalled the record for 17 consecutive Test victories, a record shared with New Zealand. Such was his reading, distribution and tactical knowledge of the game that he had an enviable Springbok success rate of nearly 75 per cent. He made his debut in 1993 against the Wallabies in Sydney, coming on as a replacement. [More at Wikipedia]
December 1st, 1965 in Estcourt (Age 59)
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