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Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva
President of Brazil (2023-; 2003-2011)
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General Information
Luiz In�cio Lula da Silva, known popularly as Lula, was the 35th President of Brazil. He was a founding member of the Workers' Party and ran for president three times unsuccessfully, first in the 1989 election, then again in 1994 and 1998. Lula achieved victory in the 2002 election, and was inaugurated as president on 1 January 2003. In the 2006 election he was elected for a second term as president, which ended on 1 January 2011. He was succeeded by his former Chief of Staff, Dilma Rousseff. He is often regarded as one of the most popular politicians in the history of Brazil and, at the time of his mandate, one of the most popular in the world. Social programs like Bolsa Fam�lia and Fome Zero are hallmarks of his time in office. Lula played a prominent role in recent international relations developments, including the nuclear program of Iran and global warming, and was described as "a man with audacious ambitions to alter the balance of power among nations." He was featured in Time's The 100 Most Influential People in the World for 2010, and has been called "the most successful politician of his time." 
October 27th, 1945 in Caetés (Age 79)
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