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Jermaine Rogers
Concert Artist
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Jermaine Rogers is an artist and designer in the field of modern rock/pop poster art, also known as 'gigposter' art, as well as serigraph and fine art production. Rogers began his career in Houston, Texas as a member of the 1990s Texas poster-art scene, which featured fellow artists Frank Kozik, Uncle Charlie, and Lindsey Kuhn. Since 1995, Rogers has designed posters for a wide variety of musical acts, including Queens Of The Stone Age, Neil Young, Tool, Deftones, Radiohead, Tori Amos, David Bowie, Morrissey, The Cure, Mars Volta, Public Enemy, Them Crooked Vultures, and many others. His work is viewed as influential in the modern resurgence of the art form, "continuously crafting images that push boundaries, whether social, cultural, or aesthetic". His work is cataloged among the permanent collections of the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio as well as the Experience Music Project in Seattle, Washington. His work has been featured in various media, including print, television, and feature film. Rogers currently divides his time between Brooklyn, NY and Houston, TX. USA. 
October 14th, 1972 in (Age 52)
Last Changes
New Address: Available to members only
New Response (Success): Ran into him walking around Comic Con, asked him i..
New Scanned Autograph (In-P/Authentic)
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