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John Hutton (2)
Lord Hutton of Furness, British Politician
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Jonathan Michael Hutton is a British-born Zimbabwean ecologist with broad interests in nature conservation and environmental policy whose views on the future of wildlife conservation in Africa have frequently been controversial. Jon Hutton was educated at Louth Grammar School and Jesus College, Cambridge where he received an MA in Applied Biology in 1978. After graduation he emigrated to Africa where, in 1984, his comprehensive study of the Nile crocodile and its ecology earned a DPhil degree from the University of Zimbabwe. For the next 10 years Hutton held various positions in the government of Zimbabwe including as Curator of Mammals at the National Museum and Senior Ecologist in the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management. In 1994 he became a Founder of the Africa Resources Trust, an NGO that he directed from Harare, Zimbabwe, for the next decade. ART sought to strengthen the role of local communities in nature conservation by generating economic benefits from sustainable wildlife management ? an approach to conservation that was not widely accepted at the time. 
January 1st, 1956 in (Age 69)
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