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Alok Sharma
British Politician
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Alok Sharma is an Indian-born British politician with the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom. He was elected in 2010 as Member of Parliament for Reading West county constituency in and around the town of Reading in the county of Berkshire. Sharma grew up in Earley and Whitley Wood and went to Reading Blue Coat School in Sonning and Salford University where he received a BSc in Applied Physics with electronics in 1988. Sharma is currently a governor of a local primary school in Reading. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society for the advancement of the Arts, Manufacturing and Commerce. Previously he served as a chairman of the political think tank Bow Group's economic affairs committee. In 2013, he was appointed as the Conservative Vice Chairman for BME Communities. Sharma is married and lives in Caversham with his wife and two daughters. In February 2014 Sharma criticised Labour leader Ed Miliband during the latter's visit to Purley which had been badly affected by flooding. Sharma claimed that the visit was merely a photo opportunity for Milliband. Milliband responded by saying that he had come 'for the people of your constituency'. 
September 7th, 1967 in India (Age 57)
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