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Tara LaRosa
Female MMA Fighter
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General Information
Tara Nicole LaRosa is an American mixed martial artist and grappler whose most high-profile successes occurred while competing in BodogFight, where she became the first and only BodogFight Women's Bantamweight Champion. She later defeated HOOKnSHOOT 125-pound champion Cody Welchlin in a non-title bout at a HOOKnSHOOT/BodogFight co-sponsored event. LaRosa has spent most of her career competing at bantamweight, although her natural weight class is the flyweight division. She holds wins over top mixed martial arts fighters such as Amanda Buckner, Kelly Kobold, Shayna Baszler, Alexis Davis, Julie Kedzie, Sally Krumdiack and Takayo Hashi. LaRosa is ranked as the #24 Female MMA Fighter in the Bantam weight division according to She has lived in eight different cities over the course of a decade in order to train at different gyms. During 2006, LaRosa trained and fought out of Rich Guerin's Yakima MMA gym in Yakima. Starting in April 2007, she trained out of Charles McCarthy's American Top Team affiliate for 6 months in Boca Raton. In September 2007 she joined the Philadelphia Fight Factory and trained with fighters like Zach Makovsky and Eddie Alvarez. 
January 8th, 1978 in Woodstown, New Jersey (Age 47)
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