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Paul O'Neill (3)
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General Information
Paul Andrew O'Neill is a retired right fielder and Major League Baseball player who won five World Series while playing for the Cincinnati Reds and New York Yankees. In a 17-year career, O'Neill compiled 281 home runs, 1,269 runs batted in, 2,107 hits, and a lifetime batting average of .288. O'Neill won the American League batting title in 1994 with a .359 average and was a five-time All-Star in 1991, 1994, 1995, 1997 and 1998. O'Neill is the only player to have played on the winning team in three perfect games. He was in right field for the Reds for Tom Browning's perfect game in 1988. He caught the final out in the Yankees' David Wells' perfect game in 1998, and he made a diving catch in right field and doubled to help the Yankees win David Cone's perfect game in 1999. After retiring from his Major League Baseball playing career, he authored a book entitled Me and My Dad: A Baseball Memoir. The book goes into a subject that O'Neill has rarely discussed: his relationship with his father who instilled in him a love for the game of baseball. O'Neill currently lives in Montgomery, Ohio in Greater Cincinnati. [More at Wikipedia]
February 25th, 1963 in Columbus (Age 62)
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