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Michael Panes
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Michael Panes is an American actor, writer, musician and composer. He attended Brown University and graduated with a music degree. He has appeared in numerous off-Broadway plays and has been noted as a gifted comedian with an uncanny resemblance to Peter Sellers. He recently appeared in Lisa Loeb's reality television series Number 1 Single. The two were old friends and during the course of the show began to date. At the end of the series the status of their relationship was in question as Panes had to move to Los Angeles for an acting role. He asked Loeb to accompany him, but she declined his offer, feeling she needed to stay in New York City and concentrate on her music. Loeb has since married. Panes's film roles include classical musician Levi Panes in The Anniversary Party and Gore Vidal in Infamous. 
April 2nd, 1963 in New York (Age 61)
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