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Gregory Coleman
USA Track & Field
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General Information
Gregory Jerome Coleman is a retired American football punter who had a 12-year career in the National Football League playing for the Cleveland Browns, the Minnesota Vikings, and the Washington Redskins. He attended Florida A&M University. Coleman is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity Coleman currently is the Minnesota Vikings sideline reporter for KFAN. He is the cousin of former Major League Baseball outfielder Vince Coleman. Early in his career, he earned the nickname "Coffin Corner" because of his ability to aim his kicks near the corner of the playing field where the end zone and out-of-bounds lines meet. Due to his uncharacteristic speed defenses often lined up to guard against a fake punt because he was a threat to run for a first down. He is known as being one of the first African American Punters in the NFL. He was selected by the fans to be a member of the Viking 40th Anniversary team. he is a member of the Florida A&M Football Hall of Fame and is also a member of the State of Florida Track and Field Hall of Fame. Currently, he is a Manager of National Public Safety Markets for Harris Corporation - Assured Communications, a communications equipment company. 
September 9th, 1954 in Jacksonville (Age 70)
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