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David Hart Dyke
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Captain David Hart Dyke CBE LVO ADC RN is a retired Royal Navy officer, former aide-de-camp to HM The Queen, and former commanding officer of HMS Coventry which was sunk during the Falklands War. In 1967 he married Diana Margaret Luce, daughter of Sir William Luce; they have two daughters, Miranda and Alice. His nephew is modern-day plant hunter Tom Hart Dyke, heir to Lullingstone Castle. He is the author of the book Four Weeks in May: the Loss of HMS Coventry - a Captain's Story, a work based on transcripts of his diaries from the Falklands Conflict. A film titled Destroyer by Crab Apple Films based on his memoirs stars Paul Bettany as Captain Hart Dyke. It is currently in pre-production and is planned for release in 2014. 
October 3rd, 1938 in (Age 86)
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