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Sonia Mkoloma
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General Information
Sonia Mkoloma is an English international netball player. Mkoloma made her international debut for the English national team in 1999, and during her career has competed at three Netball World Championships, three Commonwealth Games and two World Netball Series. In 2009, Mkoloma was part of the World 7 team, consisting of international players from England, Jamaica, Samoa as well as former Australian and New Zealand international players. In the domestic Netball Superleague she plays with the Surrey Storm with fellow England defender Geva Mentor. Mkoloma also plays in the Australasian ANZ Championship: she played for the Wellington-based Central Pulse in the 2008 season, and for the Christchurch-based Canterbury Tactix in 2009. In 2010, she transferred to the New South Wales Swifts in Australia. Mkoloma announced that she would continue with the Swifts in 2011, She will also be a part of the England national team for the 2011 Netball World Championships. On 11 April 2011, Mkoloma played her 50th ANZ Championship match between the Swifts and the Magic. 
January 17th, 1979 in London (Age 46)
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