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Dmitri A. Bashkirov
Concert pianist
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General Information
Dmitri Bashkirov is a Russian pianist and educator. Bashkirov was born in Tbilisi, Georgia. He became an Honored Artist of the RSFSR in 1968 and a People's Artist of the RSFSR in 1990. He is a recording artist with Swiss classical record label Claves which has released highlights of his Bach and Beethoven concerts on CD. He is the father-in-law of the conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim. As a pedagogue at the Moscow Conservatory and Queen Sofia College of Music in Madrid, he raised many internationally renowned artists such as Arcadi Volodos, Dmitri Alexeev, Dang Thai Son, Nikolai Demidenko, Elena Bashkirova, Kirill Gerstein, Denis Kozhukhin, Eldar Nebolsin, Vestards ?imkus, David Kadouch, Jong Hwa Park, Claudio Martinez Mehner, Bruno Vlahek, Plamena Mangova, Stanislav Ioudenitch and many others. His teaching method is highly expressive, critical and energetic. 
November 1st, 1931 in Tbilisi (Age 93)
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